Normally, the Coffee Harvest is a Social Event Involving the Exchange of Laughter and Handshakes, and Hard, Shoulder-to-shoulder Work.
This past year looked a lot different for us. We had a difficult 2020-2021 harvest due to Covid-19. Many new challenges presented themselves, but despite it all, we worked really hard to deliver the same amazing quality we have been producing over the years.
Many changes had to be worked through, including the border lockdowns, mask mandates, and sanitation best practices.
We implemented more portable washing stations, to ensure everyone was properly sanitized. These could be taken to workers in the fields, community areas, and homes.
To increase distancing and lower transmission risk, we had fewer members staying at the farm homes. This meant fewer people were available to pick the coffee, but the demand still rising.
We prepared an isolation home in case anyone caught Covid. The good news is that in our group of 200 pickers, we only had one Covid case! We quickly had them quarantined and supplied food to their family throughout the 14-day isolation period.
Transparency is important to us. We wanted to make sure our consumers know how seriously we have taken Covid-19 and how we’re continuing these best practices to ensure we prepare our willows coffee safely.
Although this past year was especially taxing on us, we’re happy to say we made it through and have amazing Organic coffee to show for it.
Thank you so much for your continued support! From our farm to your cup, with love always.